Computer Repair Services

Cleanups, Malware Removal, Upgrades, Custom Builds, and More

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Computer Repairs We Provide

Fast Service | Quality Replacement Parts | Warranty Backed Repairs | Price Match Guarantee

Free Diagnostics

Helps us to determine the cause of the problem and choose the best course of action for repair, and includes a free estimate.

Malware & Spyware Removal

Issues with slow performance? Annoying Ads and Pop-ups? Crashing or freezing? We can get you up and running quickly and in most cases same day.

Data Backup

Computers can fail but it doesn't necessarily mean your data is lost on your hard drive. Most of the time your data can be backed up or transferred to another drive, device, or computer. Prices vary, call for precise estimate.

Hardware Upgrades / Replacement

We can upgrade or replace - Motherboards, CPU, RAM, Hard Drives, Power supplies, much more.

Cleanup / Tune-Up

Remove unwanted browser plugins or extensions. Make sure the operating system, drivers, and antivirus have all the latest updates installed. Remove any unwanted programs and perform necessary related tasks. Optimize startup items to fit your needs and increase startup speed.

Custom Builds

We can also build you a custom desktop PC. Doesn't matter if your a gamer, photographer, average user, just tell us what your looking for and we will be glad to assist you.

Questions? Let us know.

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North Carolina